Chiropractic care is a drug free way to help the body restore normal, ‘natural’ function to the joints and reduce nerve message distortion.
Yes, chiropractic is safe. With everything there’s a risk of sorts – chiropractic is no different.
The answer to this is that you can continue your visits to the chiropractor for as long as you wish to benefit from chiropractic care.
Chiropractors commonly prescribe specific strengthening exercises for their patients with back, neck, and extremity problems.
Many chiropractors use spinal traction, in which traction devices are applied to distract areas of the spine.
Following an injury, therapeutic stretching is an important way to prevent scar tissue from forming.
Chiropractors use a variety of hands-on soft tissue therapies to improve the function of the soft tissues
CategoryTherapeutic ExerciseTherapeutic StretchesSpinal Traction